Friday, August 22, 2008

This was warm humid day. The temps were not too bad but the air was heavy. I spent the morning catching up on emails to people that I owed them to. And I got Dick on the sequential compressor once. Did I tell you that when walking the other morning, I saw a tree that has allowed one of its branches to turn color already? What is that all about, it is only mid August, way too early.

This noon, I joined the bank people at Dairy Queen. That was a pleasant break. While I was out, I picked up Dick's prescription and a couple of bargains at Walgreens. Then this afternoon, we changed Dick's dressings and did another compression before the kids came over. Jim and Michelle cleaned AND helped me get my database address books into a place where I can print them again. So along with cleaning, they had to be technicians and then cooks and card players too. Whew. What WOULD we do without them.

My friend Nancy picked me up at 4:15PM and we went out to Rhine to shoot pistol. Then we ate at Culvers before going to her house to visit for a while. We go back a long way as we graduated from high school together and were in the same school from kindergarten on, though not always in the same class. The only years we were not in the same school were the two and a half years I spent in the convent.

We did come to the conclusion that we were in different kindergarten classes as she remembers one of her classmates coming to school in a pink tutu and doing a ballet dance for the class. I would have remembered that for sure. We always have a lot to talk about past and present. It is good to have such friends around. On the way home we swung by Culvers and picked up a scoop of Oreo Landscape custard for Dick. He was pleased. I like to bring him treats.

I have been reading about Travels through Celtic Holy Ground also referred to as "Thin Places". This is a very interesting concept. To quote, my first source. A 'thin place' is a place where the veil between this world and the Other world is thin, the Other world is more near.' Cemeteries can be such places and I believe I felt one when I was soaring up above the ground in the parasail many years ago.

Take care and have a good weekend.

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