Friday, August 15, 2008

Chelsea and I had a very pleasant walk this morning. She took me to the right around the park and through the woods today. Lately, we turn left more often than not. I leave that up to her. There were several walkers out this morning and we went out pretty close to 6AM too.

I had changed his dressings this morning. Then when I was all done, Darlene from Dr. Moreno's office told me that he said I should just put a dry dressing on the worst sore because Dr. Fehrman had called and made an appointment to see Dick at 4:30PM on Monday. I am just to keep it clean and dry. I am out of the dressing that he gave me anyway and would have to buy 5 packages which will not be here until Monday if I get any. I am just going to keep both wounds clean and dry and pray that it is right.

I spent the morning doing a bit of cleaning and getting things organized for Sunday. I also realized that I have two days to come up with a cover for the Celtic Mass worship folder and I can also write up a cover sheet. What to write, what to write.

At 12:30PM I joined Betty, Ceil and Joyce at the Dairy Queen. That was a welcome break in the week. When I got home, I hooked Dick up to the sequential compression machine.
and got done with that before Jim and Michelle came over at 4PM. Then I did a bit of shopping and went over to Ron and Kate's. Kate and I went to Mass at 6:30PM. It is the Feast of the Assumption and a holy day. Then we ate and I got home at 8:05PM. I think Dick was kind of sad that I was a bit late. He just does not feel well. I am worried about him.

Now Chelsea is whimpering at me. I think she wants to go to bed. All she ever wants is food, water, a walk or bed and she has had the first three.

When I lived in Huntington Beach, the boys had a hamster for over two years. He was a nice hamster and they named him Spike. He was kept up in Bart's bedroom. I think I told you about him before. He would escape once in a while but I could always get him back the next morning by getting up early and going down to the kitchen. There he would be scooting along the edge of the room. I'd just pick him up and take him back up to his cage.

My boys liked having pets and were very good to them. I like having pets too, obviously.

Take care. The weekend is supposed to be very pleasant. No rain and sunshine. Perfect August weather.



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