Thursday, July 24, 2008

Where has the week gone already. Chelsea and I had a nice walk this morning. She decided to lead me through the park, to the right and through the woods today. For the past several weeks we have been going through the park but then turning left and turning on Highland back to Tallgrass Lane. I really have not encouraged going through the woods because of the mosquitoes but if we move fast I don't really get bit much.

Then I spent most of the morning clearing my desk and working on poems for the contest at Irish Fest and the Robert Frost Competition. There is a contest with a water theme that I have been working on also.

Dick took a long nap this morning and has taken two naps since then so we got a late start on his sequential compressions but as of now (8:30PM) we just have one left and might make it since I THINK he is awake again.

Anyway, I went to Walgreens to pick up four prescriptions and take advantage of a couple of sales there. I also, went to the Pig because they had blueberries on sale and I want to make a fresh blueberry pie. I shop on Wednesdays when their flier goes into effect, however, they usually have some things that are ONLY on sale on Thursday and Friday. Kind of irritates me. I also had to stop and pick up a new rubber strap to do my exercises with. I threw it over the door this morning to start a routine, pulled it taut and it snapped. Becky said that if it is too easy I should switch to the red one which is heavier. I want to give it a couple of more days before I do that.

Tonight we had tuna steaks, fried potatoes and cheesy broccoli for dinner. I have enough tuna to make a fresh tuna salad for tomorrow or Saturday lunch.

I read something on Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac that impressed me in this election year. Richard Morris and author who wrote extensively about the founding fathers said."In the founding of the nation we needed charismatic figures, but today we could to with honest ones." I am inclined to agree. How can we know positions when they all seem to cloud the truth, lie or evade answers.

Have a nice Friday. I have two evenings of High School Reunion, my 50th, to look forward to. AND Bobbie and I are going to Richardsons to see the new Chef's Corner and sample the Tea Room.

Hope your weekend will be as much fun.



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