Monday, July 21, 2008

This day started at 6AM. It was really pleasant out there when Chelsea and I walked and I only got one mosquito bite.

Bible study was nice. There were six of us there and we had a lot to say about Solomon and his being smart enough to ask God for an understanding heart as he took over the ruling of his people. God was glad to give him that AND threw in wisdom and riches and other stuff. We think that maybe all the rulers of the world should read 1 Kings 3:5-12 and ALSO ask for the gift of understanding.

Mom is fine, we had a nice visit this morning. I brought her some Mac and Cheese and a piece of pie. She was baking some cinnamon rolls and is really proud because now has her new oven down pat. She had a bit of trouble turning it off for a while. She had to get used to pushing the buttons firmly. She has a very busy week ahead of her. The Senior meals tomorrow, canasta on Wednesday and Jeff is coming in on Thursday.

I got home in time to hook Dick up for his second sequential compression session of the day before I went to Writer's Club. That was very good. Everybody was full of ideas and plans. I like that kind of meeting, it gets a person stimulated. We also got hints about some good contests out there. I am going to have to hustle to get the poems written in time. I especially want to do two before the end of the month to send to Irish Fest. I won that one in 2002 you know. I am sure you all have read the poem or heard it but this is it anyway.


Light and shadow.
Rock and color.
Life and death.

We walk across the pasture
Picking our way around green cow splatters
Scattered amid the green grass.

Up and over a wood fence
Behind a cover of trees and bushes is
The portal tomb.
A broom bush provides a splash of yellow and green
In front of a stark white capstone perched on three uprights.

How did the ancients do this?
And for God’s sake - Why?

Around the dolmen we walk
And find heaven in a shaded graveyard
Nestled amid old shady trees
At the edge of the ruins of an old church
Vivid bluebells light the ground
Providing lush carpet amid the gravestones.

Two ruins side by side, one ancient - one mediaeval.
Is one truer than the other?

Dick had an appointment with Dr. Moreno today. The right foot is looking pretty good. The left is no worse and I have more instructions as to his care. We have to go back in a week, unless the Profor Wraps start to unwind or slip. I have to change the dressings every day as usual.

The appointment was at 3:30PM and we finally left at 5PM. They were not late either. By the time they take the vitals, remove the old dressings and wraps, the doctor does his thing and everything is re wrapped it is an hour and a half. I am not surprised as it takes me 20 to 30 minutes to just clean and dress the wounds each day.

We just had hamburgers and fries for dinner tonight.

Now it is time for bed. Chelsea is strongly hinting that she really wants to go there.



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