Friday, July 25, 2008

Today was special. Chelsea let me sleep until almost 6:15 and we had a really nice walk. Then the day was spent making calls, kind of sorting things and (as we are still figuring out how to conveniently have everything available) putting things away. Soon we will have to attack the books and videos which will be a major event.

I had lunch at Dairy Queen with my bank friends. Then after dressing Dick's wounds and doing his sequential compression thing, I left just before 4PM to meet Bobbie at Richardson Brothers in Sheboygan Falls. We were investigating the ad that Bobbie saw on a billboard about their new Chef/Kitchen Area in their store. We figured it was also a chance to try out their tea room. The tea room is charming and we had two BIG cups of a special tea. I have already forgotten the name but it starts with an O and mine was pomegranate flavored. They have the neatest pot for one with matching cups. AND another item for steeping loose tea that is really cool. I told Dick about it. Hope he noticed as my pot for one is hard to work with though it is very pretty.

Went from there to River Park in Falls for the first part of my High School reunion. I guess a bunch of them played golf this afternoon but this was a picnic. Simply getting together to share sub sandwiches and chips and pretzels. It was BYOB. A goodly number of us were there and I had a marvelous time. I left at about 8:05PM because I had promised Dick I would be home at about 8. Not too bad as he knows how I talk. We can pick up tomorrow at the Bull when we have the official dinner.

Now I am tired. Chelsea is becoming such a pest. I have taken her out 3 or 4 times in the past 45 minutes. I think that the last time she bugged me she was really asking to go to bed. So I am going to oblige her.

Did I tell you that she has taken to sometimes going to sleep with her head, and only her head, under the bed? She used to do that during thunder storms when she could hear them. I think it must be comforting for her somehow.

Til tomorrow


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