Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Well, we had a busy day today. Chelsea almost drove me bananas this evening. Before I went to the CWI meeting she had me running her outside every time I turned around and since I have been home, less than an hour, she has begged to go out three times already. I can't take a chance of not taking her out because with her age and the "water pills" she takes she might really HAVE to go BUT I really do get worn out. It would be lovely to SIT for over half an hour without having to get up for something.

Anyway, we did start out the day with a very nice walk. She seemed a little tired though and actually sat down twice to just get her breath. They have torn out the sidewalk on Highland Avenue so we walked on a gravel path. But the temperatures were pleasant and it was quiet.

I had Physical Therapy at 9:45AM. That seems to be really helping. At least my neck and arm are much less sore. I took Dick's walker to Adams to tell Deanna that the left brake was not working. She offered to exchange it IF NEEDED, but suggested that I take it to the Bike Shop on Eastern Avenue. They apparently know just what to do. So I dropped by there on my way to get gas and Josh fixed it. He just adjusted the brake wire at both ends and sent me on my way. He did not even charge me for it which was really very kind. It is fine now and we don't have to worry about Dick falling on his "bumpers" as I used to say to the boys when they were little.

I made an appointment to see Dr. Siddique tomorrow. Hope we can resolve a few things.

Rachel, our Visiting Nurse, came at 1:00PM and gave Dick a good once over. She said that she DID feel a pulse in his left foot and Dr. Siddique's nurse said that Dr. Moreno has sent patients before that he said had no pulse but there was one. So that is hopeful but does not help with the healing of that sore.

Tonight was the CWI meeting. I told you that. Joan Kramer had us to her house. She is an amazing woman. She is a nurse, a teacher and an accredited Reflexologist. She had lovely open faced tea sandwiches and iced tea for snacks. I brought some soda bread which went well with it. But those sandwiches were wonderful. Marvelous mozzarella cheese topped with tomatoes or cucumber and fresh basil or dill. Just to DIE for.

We talked a bit then Joan explained the basics of reflexology to us and led us though a simple hand massage. We did each other. I think it is a wonderful natural healing solution and with her nursing background, she knows when a doctor and medicine are called for. She told us that she recently was treating a patient and found something very wrong in the breast area. She told the patient to see a doctor and it turned out that it was breast cancer and was treated and healed.

It was a great break for me.

Our next meeting is the bus trip to Irish Fest. If any of you want to join us, let me know. You need $25 for the trip and a can of food for the food drive and admission. We would leave Plymouth at 7:30AM and return home at about 6PM on Sunday August 17th. We have 12 seats remaining.

I was touched. Janet, Toni and Joan gave me a gift of a reflexology session with Joan. They say I need it. I am amazed constantly at the goodness of people. God is showing himself to me. Twice today. Josh at the Bicycle Shop and these three lovely women.

Pray for us tomorrow, we both have medical visits.

When Bret was little, (I may have told you this before) we were going through a really bad stretch. His father had broken his arm and a lot of other things were going on. I was hanging clothes out in the back yard and Bret was swinging on his swing set. As he was swinging he was crooning to me, "Don't worry, Mom. It will be OKAY. Don't worry. Everything will be ALL RIGHT!" It was the sweetest thing. He and I still go back to that when we are troubled. My neighbor, Marge Neff, was in her kitchen and heard him that day. She told me later that she heard and was just so delighted with him.

Have a nice day.

Take all the love you can


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