Thursday, June 19, 2008

Today was a better day. I realized yesterday the my arm and shoulder hurt much less, at least for most of the day. I was sore again by morning but went in for PT again today. I think it is working. Becky said that the muscles seem much more relaxed, so I have hope.

I had Dick come along with me to my therapy which was at 7:30AM because he had an appointment with the orthopedic specialist Shawn Murphy for a re-x-ray of Dick's right knee. He reaffirmed that the knee is "collapsing" and the the only treatment is a knee replacement. HOWEVER, he had some hope. He said that sometimes these collapsing knees will wear smooth and flatten out and kind of heal. At least they become better and the pain is not as intense. People get along quite will with care and walkers and mild exercise. Sounds like a good hope to us. We are to continue as we are and have set up a meeting with an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Lane for six weeks from now. Lets all pray and cross our fingers.

We got home at about 10:30AM. And I did not have to leave again all day. So. I caught up on wash, phone calls and some things for Dick.

I have a call in for a proper wheel chair cushion. Mary M. is concerned that Dick should have a proper cushion so that sores do not develop. Apparently this is a common problem so we want to ward it off.

Tomorrow, I am going to have Sarah, the PT, check my measurements of the steps so that I can order a wheel chair ramp so that we can get Dick out of the house without him having to step down those stairs. I am also going to call a mover, the one who moved us here, to see if they also do furniture rearranging. I measured the rooms and the big furniture and think we have it all figured out.

The only exit to our street is Highland Avenue. Highland Avenue is being rebuilt this summer. It is all torn up and blocked off. We now have to go several blocks out of the way to get out or to get back in. This will be until August. It is an adventure - sometimes we have to stop and wait for them to move the machines to let us in or out. I hope they at least smooth out the road in the process. It has been very bumpy all this time.

I remember when I lived in California. There was a road that was a main thoroughfare and ran right by Costa Mesa Community College which was a VERY busy 2 year college. Every year they would tear it up in August just before registration began at the college and finish the construction project in about February. Then the following August they would dig it up again.

Tomorrow night I will go to the opening of the new exhibit at the Plymouth Art Center. My friend Beth Hoegger, the choir director at Blessed Trinity, is playing as part of the musical entertainment. She doesn't know I am coming. That will be fun.

I guess that's all folks. The day is winding down and so am I. Chelsea is hinting that she thinks that I should be heading off to bed and I think she is right.

So. Until tomorrow. I will tell you about the art exhibit.


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