Wednesday, June 18, 2008

If you missed me last night, I am sorry. If you did not miss me I guess I am sorry too. Sure am a sorry individual.

I had two glasses of wine before dinner last night and for some reason, I just got to feeling awful. All I could do was head for bed and stay there.

These have been busy days. Yesterday I has physical therapy in the morning. I was so sore when I got there and when I left. But today I felt better. Maybe it is doing some good. I got home in time to meet Bob Kalies, a heating servicer, who had originally installed the furnaces in these condos. There was a free check and a fix for the furnaces. He checked and fixed ours and then I let him into Jim and Michelle's and he did theirs too. He was very helpful about explaining how we can keep our furnaces working efficiently and longer.

Shortly after he left, Rachel, the nurse came and checked out Dick's wounds and just his general health. That pretty well wiped out the day. I tried to take a nap and then had that wine and fell apart.

Well, all the sleep I had really helped. This morning I did the shopping and put the groceries away and took a little nap. Then Dick got up from his nap and we tried out the new shower equipment. We got him a transfer bench for the bathtub and a clip on rail. It was much better. We have a few things to work out but it is much safer and easier. We want a handle for him to use to get up and some bath mats. Our next step will be a ramp and rearranging the furniture.

This afternoon, Mary Meschler, the occupational therapist came. She gave us some hints for making the bath easier and reviewed his exercises.

I fixed venison teriaki steaks on the grill tonight with fried rice on the side. The steaks were SO good. Dick even asked if they were from Market Day or the Pig and was impressed that they were venison.

Nora called today. It was so good hearing her voice. I was glad to be able to report that things are falling into place around here. I told her how much I had enjoyed reading Stenn's journal of his and Bing's trip to China. They will be closing on their new home next week and are all excited.

We always each give a "word" at the end of our Writer's Club in Plymouth. The words last month were floating, weddings, vacations, strawberries, asparagus and summer concerts.

I could not get them all into ONE poem but did come up with one I liked about Peggy and Brian's son Nicholas's wedding. I think I will send it to them.

The wedding was celebrated
Under the evening sky
On a summer evening.
The violin music was redundant
As the sound of the birds was melody enough.
A concert of unique beauty
Heralding the youth and love
That were joined
Under that evening sky.

Have a neat Thursday.


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