Monday, June 16, 2008

This was a very strange day. Chelsea got me up at 5:30AM. Not TOO bad but I lost a half an hour sleep right off the bat.

We put the new stickers on the car so I won't get ticketed for expired plates. Then I went to Bible Study. There were 7 of us there, enough for a good discussion. We decided that Jeremiah must have been very depressed when all his friends turned their backs on him when he defended the faith and that we are pretty lucky that Jesus was willing to take us on.

I stopped at Mom's and dripped off some mac and cheese and scones for her. She is having her new stove delivered this afternoon. Donna is coming over when they do to help her.

Home again after a stop at Adams Aurora to pick up a transfer bench for the shower for Dick and a grab bar for the edge of the tub to give him some more security. Deanna at Adams is SO helpful.

Then home for lunch and on to the Cream City Writers. There were six of us there today. Our Jenna had a poem published in a book that is part of a contest she entered. We are very proud of her.

I did a couple of errands then and was able to go home and check on Dick before my appointment with Dr. Ghandi. He is a specialist and I had great hopes that he could figure out why my side is hurting, but I was wrong. He is ordering a CT scan but I am not holding out much hope. This ache is probably going to be with me for a LONG time much like the arthritis pain in the neck and shoulder. Sure is discouraging.

I ran out of day before I could water all my planters. So. Tomorrow afternoon, I will do that. We have three appointments tomorrow morning, so that will take care of that.

I was thinking of my Uncle Leo Ayers the other day at his grandson's wedding. I remember when he married my Aunt Kathleen, I was just a little girl but I remember the reception and my first REAL memory of Uncle Leo. He kept asking Dad to tell us girls to call him "Uncle Leo" and, of course, we got all coy and wouldn't.

Nice memories.

Have a lovely Tuesday.


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