Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This day ended up more full than we expected. I had my physical this morning at 9:30AM.

On the way, I stopped at the review and asked for Jack Lutz. I could hear him saying something like WHo wants to see me. He came out from the back looking really puzzled. So I told him that I was Mary Deeley from 48 years ago and the Young Christian Workers in Sheboygan Falls. He did remember and we had a wonderful visit. I learned a lot about what he has been doing and shared with him. We will have to get together again to do more catching up. I told him that the paintings that I got from him are still with me. He said he still paints but not as much and seemed pleased that I had them. It was fun. I will be so glad to tell Mother.

Dr. Murthy reviewed everything. He ended up sending me to X Ray for my shoulder, scheduling a radiology test for the pain in my side in the gall bladder area and sent me to schedule physical therapy for my knees and hips. He is concerned that I am stressed and not sleeping well too so he prescribed Ambien for two weeks to get me back on track and some meds for my stomach too. So I am somewhat of a mess. But he said that my overall health is great. All my vitals are good and I DO treat myself well as far as exercise and eating. So. We just need to do something about all these dumb achy spots.

I got the x ray done today and the other things are scheduled in the next two weeks. I will start taking the medication tomorrow. We ate kind of late tonight and I need to take both on an empty stomach. The pharmacist suggested that I take them just before I go to bed.

Dick had his dentist appointment scheduled for 2PM for his cavity. We expected that it would take about a half an hour. His next appointment for the MRI on his knee was at 3:15PM which seemed like plenty of time. BUT Dr. Joe needed to spend more time on Dick and it got to be close to three and I was in a panic. I was afraid that they would cancel his MRI and he had already taken the sedative to calm him during what he thought would be a really awful experience (he had one before). The dentist office called the clinic and told them that we would be late and the clinic said there was no problem. The doctor was waiting when we came in and wheeled him right down there. Dick's right leg is WAY swollen again and it HURTS. He is having a terrible time walking. Dr. Joseph helped us get downstairs (thank heavens for the elevator) and into the car. At the clinics they have wheel chairs so that is a big help. After we are all through with the tests and Dr. Sharon reviews everything we will, if need be, discuss a walker or wheelchair.

The MRI turned out to be EASY. They put him in feet first and his head was never inside the dreaded tube. The whole procedure only took about a half an hour. So, this was a good thing and I got calmed down too.

We got home to the amazing smell of lasagna in our house. Bobbie and Bill had arrived and Bobbie had the lasagna already cooking. I did not have to do a thing. (I did cook up the last of the Morels for Bobbie and me to eat with dinner. It seemed only fair that she get some since she WAS supposed to be out searching too before she broke her foot.) We had that delicious lasagna, peas and tossed salad with melt in your mouth caramel merengue cookies for dessert. It was all absolutely delicious. And she left everything for us to freeze for future meals. I am taking a nice serving for Mom tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be much easier. At least there are no medical appointments. That is really hard to believe.

I will be having lunch in Sheboygan Falls at the Firehouse with the gals from the Class of 58. Have not seen them for quite some time. This is our reunion year too.

I read a super proverb today. "You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother."

Til tomorrow


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