Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I slept until almost 6:30 this morning. That was pleasant. Chelsea wanted to take a shortcut through the park and I wanted to take a shortcut through the woods because we have not done that for some time. The only trouble is that I have to carry her over the little bridge that goes over the creek. The boards have gaps that are just big enough for her little feet to get caught. I was looking for May flowers. Mother and I were remembering that on the first of May, we used to make baskets and gather May flowers and leave them on peoples front doors. You never hear of that any more. I think there are a few May flowers down at the bottom of my yard next to the wood. I will take one to Mother for confirmation.

Dick got his blood coagulation test this morning and was Right On. It registered at 2.2 which is great.

Then,this noon, I went to the bank, the drug store and to Dairy Queen to have lunch with my friend Beth Hoegger, the choir director at Blessed Trinity Parish. I have told her that as long a she is there I will help her with the Celtic Mass at Blessed Trinity if they have one. We had a productive time and just caught up.

When I got home, I spent the afternoon cleaning and sorting my desk. I also worked on the article for the Review on the Spring Fling. I will finish tomorrow and send it to Kate and Toni for their review before I send it on.

I brought Dick home a cheeseburger and fries for lunch so we had snacky stuff for supper. I had salmon salad and Dick had soup.

Tomorrow we shop and Dick has Physical Therapy but I can spend the rest of the day finishing up things.

Hope you are all doing well. Wasn't it wonderful to see the sun? Not as warm as one would like but at least we had the sun.

Remember that you are special.


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