Friday, March 28, 2008

I had a very nice day. Chelsea and I went for our walk at the crack of dawn. It was just getting light. No wind and we did go through the park. If we have a warm day soon with no rain I will check out the path in back of the condo. I am afraid of that one because of the slippery hill coming down from the railroad tracks. I am going to see if I can terrace it a bit so I have some steps.

Then I cleaned the kitchen and prepared angel bags with toothbrushes, combs, toothpaste and floss for the Spring Fling. Then I went to Dairy Queen for lunch with the bank ladies. This is the first time that I have been able to go in over a month and will be the last for about another month. It was good to see them all. Barb, Marlene, Betty and Ceil were there. I DO see Marlene and Ceil at church quite often. Poor Marlene had to have surgery for carpel tunnel on her right arm. She said that it is really a pain. One has no IDEA how much we depend on BOTH arms.

We had ham and colcannan for supper tonight. It still tastes good.

Tonight I had to work at Rhine. We are on the second week of league. We only have 13 teams so far. Last week, the opening, was a dud. It was Good Friday AND a storm hit. Only one team signed up then. We got 12 tonight. The shooting was all done by 8:30 so I was home by 9PM which does not break my heart.

This morning Dick and I were watching the game show channel and Peter Marshall was a guest on a contest thing they are doing right now. He was mentioning the stars who sat in the Squares over the years, Wally Cox, Charlie Weaver. And Dick and I both remembered Paul Lynde. He was such a wit. I never will forget the day he got the following question. "In what state was Lincoln born?" His answer was, " In the same state as the rest of us. Naked and screaming."

Have a wonderful weekend. We have invited Mother over for the famous Kunert Spinach Noodle Egg Casserole on Sunday. Should be fun.



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