Saturday, March 29, 2008

Chelsea was really happy and a whirlwind on our walk this morning. It is always good to see her having such a good time. Of course, the rest of the day she is usually a little subdued and sleeps a lot. Today, Dick took two naps and she really likes that.

I got to be home all day today. I finished the Angel Bags for the CWI Conference and worked on a couple of other things.

The day just sped by anyway.

Tuesday, Jim is going to have a surgery to correct some of his sleep apnea problems. It is a painful procedure so we must all remember to pray real hard for him. Michelle has time off to be his nurse and I know she will be a very good one to him.

Tomorrow, Mother will be here for dinner. It will be a busy day. Church in the morning, Shooting at noon and Mom in the evening.

My friend Toni stopped by with some more covers for the book we are putting together. She loved the "Don't Piss Off The Fairies" garden stone that I have in the front garden. She wondered if a good Catholic should have such a statement. I told her about Chelsea being afraid of Mother's kitchen when we first got her. She would not set foot on that floor and was obviously terrified. Mother suggested that perhaps some Little People were living in the kitchen and were scaring her. So when Bart, Barb and I were in Ireland, I found, one day, a little Barbie sized jacket on the street. I picked it up and brought it home. I washed it and took it to Mother's house and we left it out for the Little People. They never TOOK the little jacket, but Chelsea is no longer afraid to go into Mother's kitchen. What do YOU think?



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