Saturday, February 09, 2008

Well, the 31st Annual Wild Game Dinner and Beer Tasting Contest is over. (Probably not totally over for some of the participants, but Jim, Michelle, Dick and I got home at about 7PM.) Michelle and I acting as serving wenches, Jim as combination dishwasher and photographer and Evan Thuemmler as busboy did a bang up job of supplying 22, count 'em, 22 beers to 18 participants in the annual event.

The winner with nine correct was Randy Deeley for the forth time, I think, maybe more. So we will be back on School Street next year. There were four runners up. Shawn, who is trying very hard to win so we all have to go down to Chicago for the event, Fred, Joey and Kathy, who has come in second more times that ANYBODY and deserves to win just on points. They all had 7.

The meal was super as usual. I had made Venison and Guiness, we had squirrel and rabbit, wild turkey and gravy, a curry noodle venison casserole, chili, beans , and potatoes ala Michelle that were to die for. We also had salads and bars for dessert. Altogether decadent. As Randy said we would not have done better at a five star restaurant.

Now for a story. The other day I was watching Antiques Road Show and they had a cupie doll for sale. It reminded me of Bret when he was little. My in laws, Vic and Lil had friends who lived Mexico, Mexican citizens. Ramon and Concha. They came up to the U. S. and to visit Vic and Lil one time. My ex and Bret and I went over to visit with them. They took one look at Bret with his blond hair that curled on the sides and the top of his head and his sparkling blue eyes and said. "Cupie Doll." And sure enough, that is exactly what he DID look like. I will have to find a picture of him at that age and post it for you that did not know him then.

Have a nice Sunday. We are going to be back in the deep freeze.


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