Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Can you believe that is it Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent already. Easter is March 23. VERY early. I wonder if it is possible for it to be any earlier?

What a day. I had plans to take Mother to Church AND we were supposed to go to see The Miracle Worker in Sheboygan for our dinner/theater evening. However, since it started snowing last night shortly after dark and only stopped about an hour ago, (It is now 8PM) we went NOWHERE. I am sure glad that I decided to take her pills to her last night. Two or three days is way to long for her to be without them.

There have to be at least 10 inches out there and it is drifting. Mother laughs at the picture of me trying to get her with her walker and Dick with his cane anywhere with ice and drifting snow. I am really surprised that they did not cancel the play. They probably had two people in the audience.

We had good old Kraft Spaghetti for supper. Dick saw it in the store the last time we shopped and thought it sounded good. Since it IS the first day of Lent and I fasted and abstained from meat it was a perfect easy choice.

Tomorrow, we go to the anti coagulation clinic to have his blood thinness tested. We hope it is down between 2 and 3 again.

I finished a cancer hat today. Toni Nevicosi's Homemaker's group knit and crochet hats for patients to wear when they have lost their hair. I told her I was not joining anything else, but making hats is a good way to keep my hands busy of an evening when I am watching TV.

I am all done sewing the denim quilt together and have one side snipped.

Have a good Thursday. Pray that the snow goes away for a few days anyway.



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