Thursday, February 28, 2008

Chelsea had a bad night last night. She threw up rather badly early in the evening and seems to be kind of uncomfortable in the mid section since then. It is improving so I think that perhaps she strained some muscles or something. I did call Dr. Pat and she said that if she still seems uncomfortable tomorrow I should bring her in.

I did some quilting on the Clifford Crest today. Now I need to iron on the words, finish the quilting and bind it. It looks nice. I also cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen counters.

This afternoon, Kate Herman came over and we made Pasties. She wanted to learn how to cook them. I think I mentioned that I made the dough yesterday. Today we ground the meat, chopped the veggies and assembled them. The we baked them for dinner and freezing. While they were cooking, she went and got her Ron. We had a lovely dinner and each have a half dozen pasties frozen for future meals. We also have a bit of the filling left for hash.

It was nice that Ron and Dick finally got a chance to meet as Kate and I have been doing a lot together in the past year since I moved to Plymouth.

Tomorrow is Dick's third vein procedure. Hopefully, it will go as well as the past two weeks.

Tomorrow is also the last day of February AND the last day of pistol league at Rhine. So I will be relatively busy.

This is leap year you know. My friends Kirby and his wife's Mary Ellen's son, was born on Feb. 29th. They had four other children, also boys. In the paper it said that he was a girl and Mary Ellen decided that this was as close as she would ever get to having a girl. And it was. Kirby was the friend about whom my brother in law George said, when he heard that the Kirby's had five children, and I quote "Don't they ever do it for fun?"



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