Friday, December 07, 2007

There was about an inch of snow on the ground and the roadways when I woke up this morning. Actually it was after 6:30AM so I couldn't complain about the time at all. I strapped on my traction boots and Chelsea and I had our first decent, not the best, but decent walk in three days. Boy was she glad. When we got back home she BURST through the door to let Dick know what a good time she had. She is so cute.

Then Dick and I went to the Point in Falls for breakfast. They are now a non smoking place so it is really quite enjoyable. I do like their breakfast sandwiches. They offer them on either hard rolls or English Muffin Bread. Then we went to the bank and paid a bill and came home.

I cleaned the kitchen but with all the snow and more still coming I only swept the floor instead of scrubbing it. Next week will be soon enough.

I joined the gals for lunch at Dairy Queen. Marlene said that she took over for me as Eucharistic minister on Sunday. I told her it was a good thing as I was snowbound.

Then tonight, Dick spoiled me even further. He took me out to Antoinette's for a fish fry. So I ate all three meals out. Boy was Chelsea disappointed in us. Not even one skimpy little plate to beg for.

I finished wrapping all the presents today and they are neatly stacked under the tree which looks beautiful. I love Christmas.

Tonight I did a good hunk of my Christmas cards, both email and snail mail. I figure I am about 1/2 done.

I called my friend Kate. Ron has to go to St. Luke's on Thursday for surgery. Please pray for him. He has to wait til then because he has to stop taking blood thinners before they operate. I told Kate that I would go with her. That is a long scary way to go without a friend.

Tomorrow, we will go to the Condo Budget Meeting. That will be exciting since everybody is all up in arms about the snow plow situation. I am actually content with the second and third snows so hope it is not a nasty time.

Sunday I work at Rhine so the weekend is busy. Sure glad that I have leftovers to prepare for meals. It will be SO much easier.

Hope your weekend is wonderful too. Have a happy season and wish everybody Merry Christmas.


"Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some people will ever read!"

I asked the Lord to bless you as I prayed for you today.
To guide you and protect you as you go along your way....
His love is always with you, His promises are true,
And when we give Him all our cares,
You know He will see us through.

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