Thursday, December 06, 2007

As you can see, we did pick up the car today. The coldest day of the winter so far. It was a big 2 degrees when I got up this morning. Chelsea and I did not go for much of a walk because it was WAY too cold.

We went to Mike Burkart Ford at 9ish and went through the paperwork and the rundown of the features of the new car. Then we drove out to Sheboygan Falls to drop some money off at Mother's and to give me a chance to get used to driving it. It is really nice. Mother liked it. Did I tell you that it has a running board so that it will be easier for Dick AND Mother to get in and out of the vehicle.

When we got home it was a stay at home day. I did a bit of cleaning and computer work and fixed a Mexican Chicken Casserole for supper. We both took a nap this afternoon because we were tired after our late night last night.

It has started snowing out there again this evening. I don't think there will be too much accumulation. I am hoping that perhaps Chelsea and I can have a normal walk in the morning. I am getting restless and I am sure that she is. You will be glad to hear that she has not had a seizure for over three weeks now.

I talked to Bret tonight. He is doing just fine. Travis, his friend's son, who was in the motorcycle accident is still improving. He is starting to communicate and is gaining strength every day. That is good news.

He was telling me that they are really "cold" there. It is 51 degrees. I said AWWW. Then he mentioned a day that he spent outside with a friend at a rodeo in temps of 24 degrees with a windchill of mid teens. I agreed with him that THAT is cold. He said he never was that cold before. So I told him that he was, at least once. When he was little, one year we, his Dad, his brother and I and Bret, came back to Wisconsin for Christmas. Nora picked us up at Mitchell and when we stepped out into temperatures of below Zero, I thought that my two California babies were going to freeze in place. We rushed them into the car and warmed it up as soon as we could. That was a fun trip. It was a surprise for Mother and Dad. All the aunts and uncles knew we were coming but not Mom and Dad. That was a fun Christmas, despite the cold.



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