Monday, November 26, 2007

Except for the market, this has been an up day, all the way.

We started out with an exhilarating walk for Chelsea and I at 6:30AM. It was only 32 degrees but again - no wind. What more can one ask for.

Our first major "event" was the trip to see Dr. Siddique. He confirmed that the artery work was exactly what he had hoped for. After some prodding we got the reaffirmation that he does need vein work to completed the repairs. He is booked through January so we are scheduled for up to eight procedures to correct that. The first is for February 15. These require only and hour and he can go home right afterwards. So we are encouraged that they will not be as hard on him. When these are done, we believe that the wounds on his legs and feet will be able to totally heal. Pray that it is so.

This afternoon, I went shopping at Hobby Lobby and a couple of other Mall stops with Kate Herman. We got the frames that I have been needing for a "surprise" for my brothers and sisters and to frame properly the Courtney print. I also got a battery for the Connemara marble watch that Dick got for me a couple of Christmases ago.

Finally I picked up Chelsea's refill of her furosimide. She is set for a while now. Poor little girl. Today I visited out front with the neighbor across the street. She lost a grandson last week and I swear that Chelsea knew that she needed some comfort. Chelsea is not exactly cuddly but she very willingly let her pet her. I think she knew she could help.

Tonight I put ONE box of ornaments on the tree. Two more to go. I also found places for two of the Nativities.

I don't think I shared this poem with you. If I did you will just have to read it again. As we are getting into the Christmas season, I remembered writing it early this year.

Tomorrow Dick gets a blood test, but the rest of the day is free.

Here is the poem. I hope you enjoy it.

Love Mary


Did He spin in circles
His arms outstretched
His face towards the sky
A smile on his lips
Mama, Mama
Look at Me?

Did He bring home a puppy
A kitten or a toad
And say in a breathless voice
A smile on His lips
Mama, Mama
Can I keep him?

Did she tuck Him in
Kiss His cheek
Inhale the sweet moist smell
Of the Boy Child's hair
Jesus, Jesus
I love you?

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