Friday, October 26, 2007

A perfect Autumn Day.

I was able to sleep until 6:30AM. I could have used a bit more but that was not bad. Chelsea and I had a pleasant walk. Actually she was really wild and excited. She did not cough all night. We were so pleased, then at about 9:30AM she coughed twice and had a rather major seizure. Go figure. I just don't understand. BUT overall, the episodes do seem to be decreasing.

I cleaned the kitchen this morning.

Then, at about 10:30AM, I left for a bunch of errands. First, Walgreens to pick up a prescription and take advantage of a couple of sales. Then on to the Blood Center.

This is my every eight week appointment. Today was not easy. The vein she chose tried to get away and it took a bit of poking to get the needle in. However, once it was in I filled the bag really quick. We put ice on it right away and I don't have much of a bruise. While I was eating my cookie and drinking my orange juice, I talked to Butch, the volunteer, and a woman who is having her blood drawn and stored for an operation that she will be having the same day as Dick has his next procedure. She is in need of a lot of prayer and I will be putting her on the prayer chains. She is about broke and this surgery, I am sure, will not help that situation. I promised so maybe you could all include her too. Her name is Laurie.

My last stop before heading for Dairy Queen for lunch was Miesfeld's where I bought some of the brats that they told us about at the Michael Feldman Whad' Ya Know Show last Saturday. They have apple and sauerkraut in them. We will have them tomorrow. I am also cooking my venison brat patties and regular brats as everything freezes well. I am eager to try the new brats however. We will also be having potato salad.

I am a very tired person. For some reason the giving blood really wore me out so I will be hitting bed as soon as it gets to be 9PM and I can take Chelsea out for her last walk.

Have a fun and relaxing weekend. Barbara called, sounding so very happy, to tell me that Bart had arrived in Florida safe and sound and is with her. That makes me very happy.



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