Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The end of another busy day.

It was foggy most all of the morning, despite the fact that the weather people said it would be cleared up by 10AM. Chelsea and I, however, did not let that bother us.

Dick had two medical appointments today. First we saw Dr. Hodous at 10AM to have his calousses checked. He trimmed them. One is slowly healing, one is almost gone and the worst one is not growing, so I guess that is good. Then we went to see Sue at the Anticoagulation Clinic. His count is perfect again. So we are home free until after the next surgery unless he gets another infection and has to take antibiotics.

We swung by Kurt and Jody's house and gave little Sean his blanket. I also bought two cans of caramel corn with peanuts in it from Brandan, the scout. He is quite a little man. It would not surprise me at all if he continues with scouting and goes on to Eagle like his daddy did.

Our Water Pick had died, so we stopped on the way home and picked up a new one. Then home for the day. I baked a loaf of bread and worked on the desk and computer most of the rest of the afternoon.

Tonight I watched Bones and Dancing with the Stars. I don't like much that is on. It is unusual to have two shows I like on the same evening.

An old proverb says that "You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother." They were speaking of my mother. I remember one incident when Bart, my staunch Republican son, was going to talk about something to his carved in stone Democratic grandmother. He told me he wanted to discuss this with her but needed more facts before he tried.

Yesterday, we were talking about blankies. Bart had a bunny. It started out as a yellow Easter bunny and ended up a gray smelly blob. But he loved it. We went on a jeep camping trip one weekend and he dropped it at a place we stopped to get our bearings. He was heartbroked. Then, some of the kids went out riding on their mini bikes. As they were coming back into camp we heard them shouting, We found bunny! we found bunny! He ran towards them and Danny pulled bunny off of the back of the bike. As she handed it to him, they realized that it was smoking. She had carried it back resting on the muffler and it got so hot it started on fire. We had not choice but to have a funeral.

Several months later, Bart told our friend Orrin Nordin that he wanted to go back out there and dig Bunny up.



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