Saturday, September 22, 2007

This turned out to be quite a day. I did sleep a little late. The weather was very comfortable after the rain and lightening of last night. It was supposed to be warm but never got over 72 or something like that.

My intention was to stay home ALL day and it almost worked. I spent the morning almost finishing the second baby quilt top. They look nice and cheerful. I just have to put the border on and assemble. I will stop on the way home from Bible Study on Monday to pick up the batting and see if I find some fun backing. I want to back them in flannel so it will be nice and warm for the babies.

I looked up my frog on the net. There are great sources that describe frogs. He is a Cope's Gray Tree Frog. They are little, 1 3/4 to 2 inches, and are green except during the mating season. This explains how he gets up on the deck. Tree Frogs climb.

I weeded out a few of the pots on the deck and harvested my teeny weeny green bell peppers. Teeny weeny or not, I stuffed them for dinner tonight. Pretty good dinner too. We had them with leftover Brussels sprouts and coleslaw.

Dick and I bottled the White Zinfindal wine today. That is the biggest batch, 5 gallons. Now I have current and choke cherry ready for bottling too. I also have dandelion and another current that have to be racked some more.

Now for the excitement of the day. Dick and I were getting ready to go to Bobbie and Bill's to feed the kitties and bring in the mail and paper at about 2:30 when the doorbell rang. It was our neighbor Dick Kastberg. I was inviting him in when he asked if I could take him to the hospital. His left arm was tingling and he didn't feel right. He had a heart attack two months ago and had a stent put in at that time. So, I grabbed my purse and drove him over to Aurora Urgent Care. After a bit, they asked if I would come in and sit with him. So I did. I stayed and tried to cheer him up until his girlfriend got there. Doctor Dean (I think he remembered me too from my Sweetheart's days at Urgent care getting those intravenious antibiotics.) came and talked to him while I was still there after he got all the test results. He did not believe there was an incident but the symptoms mean something so he wants him to see his cardiologist as soon as possible.

Tiffany was working. She is a really neat nurse who took care of My Guy during those days. She did a double take when she saw me and then another one when she saw who I was with. So I assured her that Dick is OK and that I was just helping out a neighbor.

So, I got home about 4 and we headed right over to Sheboygan to take care of my sweet kitties. Boy were THEY glad to see us. I hope I am feeding them the right amount. Being as we only go once a day, I am feeding them double what I used to give them at each session. They are not objecting.

When we got home, I had a message from Michelle. She invited me next door for a surprise that they had picked up for me today. So. I zipped right on over. Bet you never expected that.

They had gone to a Women's Fair where they gave away really neat stuff. So they got three of each. One set just for me. There are candies, tea, pens, a pillcase/light, aroma therapy kit and lots of other really really fun stuff. Including silly putty. Thank you. Thank you. Jim and Michelle for thinking of me.

So. It was quite a day. Hope yours was good. Even going to the hospital was not bad because Dick IS OK.

Take care



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