Sunday, September 16, 2007

I FORGOT to post yesterday. After arriving home from Chicago at about 7:00PM and fixing a snack for Dick and I AND taking care of Chelsea. I was suddenly very tired and just plain forgot.

I started out yesterday at 5AM with a shower and a short walk for Chelsea. Then I drove to Wauwatosa to Gail Mc Aleese's house. We went on to Rosemary Beaumont's house and then to Sheila Isaackson's home. We talked Sheila in to driving as none of the other of us are good in Chicago. We made it to the meeting at De Paul University downtown in plenty of time for the 10:30AM CWI Annual meeting. All but one of the board were able to attend so we were able to accomplish a lot. The new officers are Mary Schultz who is staying on one more year as president, Dianne Mc Carty who agreed to be Vice President and Gail Mc Aleese and Rosemary Beaumont who will share Secretary/Treasurer. At this time in our existence, this seems to be a very practical way to handle those positions.

They are very excited about the Sheboygan Branch getting off the ground and would like us to have the Spring meeting/conference here. Sounds very practical. We have a lot to share about our Irish heritage in this area. We must keep them informed as to the Irish/Celtic events that take place throughout the year.

After the meeting we went on over to Grace O'Malley's for lunch. Grace O'Malley's has a marvelous menu. I ordered a smoked salmon club sandwich that was super. After lunch, we headed home. Got to Milwaukee at around 5:30 and home at about 7PM.

This morning I got up at 6AM. It was very confusing. Dick had set the alarm and when I woke, I couldn't figure out what day it was. I had just about decided that it was Monday and I could sleep a bit longer when I turned on the TV and news to see what the temperature was and found out that the weekend shows were on. OOPS. It was SUNDAY and I had to get moving so I could get to church by 8AM as I was Eucharistic Minister this morning.

Dick and I did some shopping after breakfast and then I went over to the Airport Heritage Center for Becky's baby shower. It was lots of fun. She received lots of wonderful things and should need very little for that munchkin who is due on October 25th. If she is late, she could have him/her on her birthday which is TA DA! Halloween! They have chosen not to be told the gender of the baby. They figure it doesn't matter and they are right. Babies are just plain special no matter what.

My friend Kate, is still nursing a very sick husband. I took some soup and muffins to them after church this morning. Please keep praying for Ron, he is home, but is a very sick man and needs all the help he can get.

Years ago when Bret was little, we would go out to the desert to ride jeeps and camp. One of our members was a really sweet man named Neil Minter. Neil was quite wealthy because he owned LOTS of land in north Santa Ana that he had farmed and still did some farming when we knew him. He was so nice - and funny. One time we were out on a run and all standing around the campfire as we were wont to do of an evening, talking and singing and having a bit of Apricot Brandy to keep off the chill. Neil suddenly started fussing and fuming as he held up a greasy dripping hand. As he was cooking his dinner that night he had slipped a cube of butter into his jacket pocket and forgotten it. Guess what the heat of a campfire does to butter.

But I wanted to tell you a cute story. Our jeep runs were a family event and there were always LOTS of kids of every age. So on day, Neil had a CJ6 which is a longer jeep than normal, we loaded all the kids into his jeep. 25 of them. Then we took movies of them jumping out of the jeep one by one. I do not have any of those films. Wonder if anyone does have them. Those were good day.

Have a great week. We have a busy one and I will be taking care of my kitties this week as Bill and Bobbie are going to Maine on vacation.



If we could climb the clouds
And view the world from that high porch
We would be as kings.

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