Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Seemed kind of like Monday all day. Monday holidays do seem to throw the week off. Then to top it off, we did our grocery shopping today because Dick will have his second "procedure" tomorrow, which has thrown things off even more. Usually Wednesday is our shopping day.

So we stopped at Mc Donald's for breakfast then hopped on over to the Pig to shop. We were home by about 9:30 and Dick took a short nap. Then we met Jim and Michelle at Wells to close out the joint checking account that we had for the Hunters Glen expenses. Just another detail out of the way. Since Jim and Michelle were off work, we went to the Exchange Bank for lunch. Then I took Dick to Aurora Plymouth for his blood test. Now, he just has to remember not to eat or drink anything after 2AM. We wrote a big NO! on the board on the Fridge. Hope it is enough.

I didn't write too much last night, but we had dinner with Jim and Michelle and played cards to take advantage of the holiday. I prepared Chicken on a Throne (Chicken on the grill with a can of beer up its behind) Boy was it good. I always use half the can of beer to make fresh beer bread to go with it and Michelle made an Oreo/Manderin Orange salad to go with it so we ate like royalty.

Well, pray for Dick tomorrow that the procedure goes well and that there is no infection this time. We have to be at the hospital at 6:30AM so I will be going to bed soon.

Sleep tight yourself.


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