Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It is 7:45PM and we are safely installed at home again. It was a long long day, especially for Dick. We got up at 5AM. I walked Chelsea and showered. Then we hied it on over to Sheboygan Memorial and checked Dick in for the "procedure".

They took him down at about 7:45AM. I got to ride down on the elevator with him though I continued to the Ground floor to have breakfast. The procedure takes about two hours. SO I ate slowly, read a bit of my book then worked my way back up to the third floor via the chapel. I don't recall ever being in the chapel at Memorial. It is very pretty and very restful. I mentioned all my cares and woes and thanksgivings to Him and then went up the rest of the way.

I parked myself in the waiting room where I had a view of the hall that he would be wheeled back in and sure enough at about 10:00AM there he was. The next few hours were very long. Dick does not do well on his back and on his back he had to be. He was not to move his left leg because that was the side on which Dr. Siddique had entered the artery. He was NOT a happy camper. They gave him Valium twice and Tylenol once and shifted him several times. I went down and picked up some lunch at about the time his arrived which distracted him a bit but he was out and out uncomfortable. Occasionally he did doze which provided a little relief.

I had to leave at 2PM for a bit to take Chelsea out and to run a couple of other errands. Actually, I headed directly to Mom's to take her medicine to her, then home to walk Chelsea, then to the bank, the gas station, Market Day pickup and the Pig. (I decided to pick up some Cranberry juice for Dick to drink for the next few days, hopefully to help in avoiding another bladder infection.)

Arriving back at the hospital at about 5PM, I went to the cafeteria to pick up a meal to eat with Dick when his arrived. That was nice. He was by then feeling MUCH better because he had been allowed to sit up at about 3:30PM and the back pain was gone.

Everything from then on went smoothly. We were able to leave at about 6:45PM. As I said, a long day. Chelsea is very glad we are home. I am sure it is very puzzling to her when we leave for long periods of time.

Dick is now dozing in his chair. I hope he has his feet up.

I wrote a haiku that I kind of liked yesterday. I will share then sign off
for the night. Thanks for your prayers. Keep them up and also pray for a family that may be losing their father/grandfather tonight. I saw a lot of sadness and told them I would pray.

The spirits gather
In the early morning mist
Rising from the earth



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