Tuesday, August 07, 2007

We did our shopping today because we just felt that tomorrow will be busy enough what with my shooting and THEN the whole afternoon and evening for Dick's artery revamp. That seems like a good term. Perhaps, rewiring is better.

Anyway, I got to sleep until almost 6:30AM. It was raining when Chelsea and I went out and sprinkled and/or rained most of the morning. We went to Mc Donald's for breakfast, then to the bank and then to the Pig. Since he had to have a blood test for tomorrow's procedure we just went to the clinic on our way back home. No one else was there so it went very fast and we were home by 9:30AM.

I spent the rest of the day printing things, painting things and sorting things. Chelsea seems a little mopey today. I am beginning to wonder if the stormy weather makes her little bones ache like mine do.

Dolores called this evening to let me know that Jody had their baby yesterday. Shawn is a fine young man who came into this world at 9 lb 12 oz and is 21 inches long. Dolores says he even has a wee bit of a double chin. Such a relief that it is over with. Brandon and Evan are very proud of their little brother.

This morning when I was taking my shower for some reason the memory of Uncle Art popped into my mind. He was my ex's uncle and a truly unique individual. He was an alcoholic. There was no question of that. He was also one of the nicest men in the world. A mainly happy soul. For a while he lived with a women. She was really pretty bad. George called her Mary Gore the old Whore. Which gives you some idea. She riled Art so bad one day that he slammed his hand through a door. She called the cops on him. Then when they got there she gave them such a batch of mouth that they took her off and left Art at home.

Anyway, shortly before Art died, he got quite sick and ended up in the hospital. For some time he was the talk of the hospital because they thought he was having the DTs from being cut off from the booze. But soon they realized that he was having reactions to the various meds they were giving him. I asked Jacquie if I should go to see him, if he was up to company. She told me not to bother. In his poor befuddled mind everybody he knew was there to see him, either in the room or out in the hall talking. He later described one of his illusions. There was a huge snake in the room. Apparently it was not a frightening thing. It came from behind his bed, up the wall, over and across the ceiling where it hung its head down and was smiling at him. He did get to leave the hospital for a while, but never really recovered , bless his soul. I am sure God had a special place for that sweet man.

Have a nice Wednesday and remember to pray for Dick. The nurse said that they will keep him overnight but I will be home late evening and will update you.



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