Saturday, August 11, 2007

Chelsea and I took our whole walk this morning. She tried to take a couple of shortcuts but I decided not to let her. We needed the exercise and it was really quite nice at 6AM. It rapedly got warmer and muggier as the day wore on and tonight we had a rolling thunderstorm pass through. It dropped a steady rain for a while, enough that I won't have to water anything today.

It was a very quiet day. Dick is still sleeping a lot. He is up for a couple of hours than lays down for a couple of hours. He has no appetite at all. I am concerned that he is not getting enough to keep his blood sugars stable. Well, it has only been two days since the surgery and I am sure his body is still trying to stabilize.

I drove out to St. Michaels to check the church for tomorrow and everything looks really nice. The altar clothes are on and everything is sparkling. Beth and her set up crew were there to get the tables set up and everything else ready. It is supposed to be beautiful tomorrow. And no rain either.

A couple of imponderables.

What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

Would a fly without wings be called a walk?



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