Monday, August 13, 2007

A long Monday.

Bible study was lively. The readings were about accepting the truth. As it mentions we must pray for the humility to be accepting of criticism. Not an easy task sometimes. Anyway were a gabby group and learned a lot.

Then I stopped at Mothers and dropped off her papers. Helen Murphy picked her up just about 11:00 to go to lunch and play cards. Mom and I had a nice talk about yesterday's picnic. We were talking about the King (a family name, not a royal person) connection to the Bowser family. Back in 1860, the Lady Elgin, a ship traveling from Milwaukee to Chicago, sunk in Lake Michigan. It is estimated that up to 400 people lost their lives. We don't know how the following happened. Philip King's parents were lost on the Lady Elgin. (We aren't even sure if their last name was King. The King descendants cannot find a King listed on the list of passengers.) BUT apparently word reached the families in town Mitchell that there were children orphaned by the disaster. Michael and Magdalena offered to help and took in Philip King who they raised along with their own children. When her grew, he fell in love with and married Charlotte Bowser, Michael and Magdalena's daughter and the line goes on from there. Pretty interesting. The Kings are trying to find out more about the Kings. We have a little more information but I don't think it will do too much good.

Mom also had a cute story for Mary Hoff, a King descendant. It seems that Harold or Philip King were fishing illegally and the ranger came by and questioned him. Philip pushed him into the lake and ran to the nearby school where a meeting was going on in the basement. He sat down amid the meeting attendees. The ranger came in and asked if anyone had just just come in. The people at the meeting said no that everyone had been there all the time. Mary Loved the Story.

Anyway. The rest of the day would have been quiet but Dick has been having trouble urinating since the "procedure". I mentioned that yesterday. So we got in to see Dr. Sharon today and found out that he indeed does have an infection so for the next seven days he will be taking CIPROFLOXACIN twice a day. He wanted me to tell you because it is such a silly name.

Now I am very tired. Even more tired than Chelsea. When I got home this morning she did not wake up until I was all settled at my desk. I parked the care, walked in the house and right by her and she did not stir. Then this afternoon, she was sound asleep on the bed when we went to the doctor and I don't even think she knew we were gone.

Another thing to worry about.



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