Thursday, August 16, 2007

I was not happy at all with the deaf old lady, Chelsea, this morning. For some reason or other she started bugging me at 4:30AM. I took her out just for good measure but then I could not get back to sleep after that so I finally took her for her walk at 5:30 just to get it over with.

Spent the morning cleaning the kitchen, showering and working on the computer until it was time to take Dick to Sheboygan for his two appointments at Sheboygan Clinic. Dr. Hodous trimmed his callouses. We are going back again after the nest artery procedure. Then we went down to the coagulation clinic to have his blood tested. The count was low today so he has to adjust his meds and then we have to go back next week to retest. We are a bit concerned today because his legs and feet are swollen again. I am hoping that is is because we were not massaging for about a week. I started again today and hope that this will bring it down again.

We went right from the clinic to Ninos for an anniversary lunch. Yes, as most of you know, it is our 21st anniversary today. We received several cards and the most beautiful vase of flowers from Dick and Brenda. We will enjoy them. I will post a picture. It is fun to be able to share so easily now.

On the way home, we stopped at the house to double check which keys on the rings belong to Hunters Glen and to check the keypad code. Then over to REMAX to sign our final papers and drop off the keys, garage door opener and a deposit slip for the proceeds. Whew. That is really a busy day. Isn't it?

We ate lightly tonight because our lunch was so big, then I zipped off to Blessed Trinity to practice for Celtic Mass. That was fun. Only two more practices before the big day.

Tomorrow. I will be going to Irish Fest with Beth Hoegger, from Blessed Trinity, and Kate Hermann, my Plymouth friend. We will have a great time I know. They are both fun.

I guess that is about all. I want to share the following because it made both Dick and me laugh out loud.

I walked into a hair salon with my husband and three
kids in tow
and asked loudly,
"How much do you charge for a shampoo and a blow job?"

I turned around and walked back out and never went
My husband didn't say a word...
he knew better.


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