Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another full day. Chelsea and I had a good walk after the storm. It was quite pleasant at 6:30this morning. At 6:30 we always run into more of "her" kind. We saw five other doggies out there on the trail.

Then I spent much of the morning on paperwork. Times they are a changin' and that means that lots of things have to be done to accommodate those changes. I took a picture of a dragonfly today. I like dragonflies. When we, Bret, Bart and Me in our previous life, used to go to the Colorado River for a weekend, most bugs bit. There were mosquitoes, horseflies and "no-see-ums". And they all bit. But the dear dragonflies just floated around all iridescent and everything and did not bite.

Today I took Chelsea to the Vet. We have noticed that for the past several weeks, even months, she does not respond to the garage door opening. Even more recently, I can walk in the house, walk right by her several time and even talk and she will not wake up if she is sleeping. We decided that she needed a checkup to be sure that there is no medical problem with her ears. Dr. Quilling confirmed our fears. She is deaf. He said that the hearing probably has been failing for some time but as long as there was ANY she was using it. Apparently the last is gone now. She is very confused. She keeps looking at me when I talk and is becoming very verbal herself. We are trying to be very comforting to her and trying to figure out some hand signals that might help her understand. Poor Baby. She lost a pound since November too but the vet was not concerned about that. He said older dogs often lose weight.

We went over to the house today. Actually, we went to the neighbors to pay Patrick for the mowing he did this summer. I took Terry and Sherri a bottle of wine and a copy of my book to say thanks for all that they have done. I hope we left them with good neighbors. They certainly deserve good ones.

Got my hair cut today too so I am all ready for the big wedding this weekend.

Dick seems to be feeling a bit better today. Antibiotics often start working quickly and these have. Whew!


Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that our government
can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the
stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington? And, they tracked
her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million
illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give them
all a cow.


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