Sunday, July 01, 2007

Today was a very pleasant one. I drove to West Bend with my friends Gloria and Dottie Ziesel to celebrate Fr. Mike Moran's 25 th Anniversary as a priest with him and his friends and family.

I had enjoyed preparing that present for him yesterday. I know money is always appropriate, but wanted to give him something a bit more personal. Last night just as I was getting ready for bed, I remembered a picture that I had blown up from the tour to Ireland that I went on with Fr. Mike. The picture is of a bunch of us. Martin, the bus driver, Fr. Mike, his brother Tim, their Dad Howard, myself and a lady that we can't remember her name around a table at the Brazen Head in Dublin. By some miracle, I found it so I added it to the basket. He did not unwrap his presents today, but I showed him and his brother and father the picture because I wanted us to share the memory.

The mass was very lovely. Prior to beginning, Fr. Mike introduced his family and then asked guests from his previous parishes to stand and finally the parishioners of his current post Immaculate Conception in West Bend. Such a nice idea. There were four priest who con celebrated with him. One of them, a classmate, gave the sermon. The reading from the Old Testament speaks of Elijah asking Elisha to be his successor by placing his cloak on Elisha's shoulders. (Guess that is how it was done in those days.) Anyway, Father's classmate said that because of his size maybe it will take TWO to replace him. He chose a lot of music with Irish roots and I am planning on using some of Liam Lawton's music at St. Michaels and at Celtic Mass in Falls.

There was a lunch served at the KC Hall in West Bend after a reception in the church hall, so he really did it up big. The food at the KC was excellent. Heavy hors d'oevres and excellent cakes. It was very very nice.

Beth Hoegger emailed to set up a meeting to plan the Celtic Mass for next Monday. I had said I would help with just the mass as I like doing that.

Tomorrow will be bible study. In the evening I have Rhine Plymouth so will see Bobbie.

Jeff just called. He is coming to Falls tomorrow and is bringing currants for wine. I can't believe that they are ripe already. He says too, that they are very early.

Have a great week. Pray for rain



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