Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Look below for a treat. This evening I went out on the deck to read for a while. I did not stay too long as it is very hot and muggy still. To my delight, I found a little green frog right on the door. So I lifted him into one of the pots. But when Dick came out I couldn't find him. He showed up a bit later on the deck rather near the edge. I took two pictures of him and then picked him up and took him down to the bottom of the garden at the edge of the wood. I hope he has a happy life. He is really very pretty.

I DID get to stay home all day. I finished cut and pasting the worship folder and cleaned the downstairs area.

Chelsea was a bit lethargic today. When the Time Warner Man rang the bell, she barked and then laid down again until I got up to go to the door. I think she was hoping it did not really happen because she was really enjoying her nap.

Tomorrow we shop and I shoot. It will be very hot again, so shooting will be an effort but it is better than temps below zero.

Have a good Wednesday and enjoy the picture below.



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