Monday, July 30, 2007

Hot and muggy. That is what we were faced with today and what is expected for the next two days. Chelsea and I had a lovely walk except for the big dog that tried to attack us on Cattail Drive. I was NOT happy. Suddenly the garage door opened, which is not a big deal, but then this dog ran out and chased us down. The owner called her back and she did go but then she started back after us. At that point, I picked Chelsea up because I was afraid for her.

The rest of the walk was uneventful. I saw two crows on the backstop of one of the baseball diamonds in the park and came up with my daily haiku from that.

Perched on the backstop
Waiting for the baseball game
Two crows caw loudly.

I just do one haiku a day. Good or bad.

Bible study was quite nice we were talking about Vanity and the questionable value of accumulating a lot of riches. Lots of discussion, It is, after all, no sin to accumulate things. It seems to be whether we are gathering them just to have them or if it is a natural part of survival. After all, when we die, material things don't go along with us.

A nice visit with Mom. She had a doctor's appointment today. Jeff took her. She is just fine. Dr. Hancock wants to see her in three months again.

I had a busy day at home then. I worked on a lot of computer stuff. Then the computer AND the TV both went down so I spent about an hour on the line with Time Warner. Up until last week, we had been pretty happy with them, but this has been bad. Sure glad we have another server for our phone, otherwise, how could we contact them.

We have another technician coming tomorrow between 1 and 3. Since we made that appointment, we do have service again. You can tell that because, I am blogging. But, again, we will not cancel as something is obviously not right. On and off service is not what we expect or pay for.

Bret called tonight. He sounded very tired but is fine. I sure miss my boys.

Tomorrow, I will do some fine tuning on the mass folder. I need to talk to Beth about some changes that I have made, namely putting a biography about Fr. Mike in it.

We had fried rice and teriyaki steak for supper tonight. Very good.

Tomorrow, I don't have to go anywhere.

Have a great day.



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