Monday, July 23, 2007

Chelsea is still trying to wake me up way too early. This morning it was 5:15 AM again so I shut her out of the bedroom until 6 again.

We had 9 people at bible study this morning. The Gospel was the one where Jesus gave us the Lord's Prayer. We got to discussing the fact that prayers like the Lord's prayer are said so often that we become immune to the meaning and just say them without thinking about it. It reminded me of Bret when he was a little boy. We had come for a visit to Wisconsin. At that point Dr. Seuss's One Fish Two Fish was his favorite story. I had read it all the way from California to Wisconsin and he still wanted it read to him. Even Grandma Deeley got tired of it. Finally, he asked again and I sat down and was flipping the pages and reading in a droning monotone when my brother Matt said that this was not way to read to a child. So he took the book and Bret and read that story like it was the most dramatic piece of literature he had ever read before. That is the way we have to look at some of the bible readings and prayers that we have heard over and over and over. Pretend that we are children and hearing them for the very first time.

Stopped at Mother's for a visit. I took her some coleslaw and cucumber salad. She gave me a zucchini. Jeff brought her two on Sunday. She asked that I stop at St. Mary's cemetery to water the planters on the family graves. Donna had said and she is right that the plants on Dad's grave are just a skosh prettier than the others. We wonder what he is doing. Actually they all look pretty good.

Dick and I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix today. It is excellent. I LOVED IT. And so did the rest of the audience apparently. At the end, when the Minister of Magic, Fudge, FINALLY admits that Voldemort is back, someone in the audience said " Well, DUH!!" Dick and I giggled inside because we were as entranced as everybody else.

When we got home I finished the last book of the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I loved it too and was VERY happy with the ending. I am glad that there are two more movies to look forward too. It will be rather sad when it is all over.

We had spaghetti and meatballs for supper. I had made a sauce using fresh herbs from my planters on the deck and the very last package of tomatoes that I froze last fall. I am trying very hard to empty the old stuff from the freezer as I will need room for the new.

Have a nice day for evening, depending on when you read this.



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