Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What a day. It was HOT. I went to Hunters Glen early, at about 8AM to do my trimming before the heat really settled in. I got the junipers and the Korean Lilac trimmed and swept the deck and trimmed the honeysuckle. The honeysuckle is beautiful but was really taking over the deck and looking shabby. I also swept out the garage which was getting pretty scuzzy. It still could be spruced up a bit but looks much neater.

Bobbie and Bill planted beautiful purple petunias and chartreuse potato vine in the planter in front of the house. It looks so beautiful. I am so grateful. I wanted to do something but have not been able to commit the time to keep it watered and trimmed. Thank you Bobbie again.

I was at Walgreens TWICE today. I am beginning to feel that I live either there or at the Clinic. This morning, on the way home, I picked up a prescription that had been delayed yesterday because they had to get Sue to approve it. Then when I got home I called Dr. Hodous about Dick's callous. He decided to prescribe antibiotics so I had to go back this afternoon for them. While I was there, I picked up a card for Fr. Mike Moran for his 25th Anniversary as a priest on Sunday and Mom's Centrum Silver. I also swung by the bank and did a bit of business.

After I got home, Chelsea pulled her usual pesty stuff of wanting to go out four times before she really got down to business. However, she lucked out this time. I saw something on the street and was about to go pick it up (thinking it was trash as today WAS trash day) when it started scooting across the road. It was a turtle. So I ran in and got my camera an took some pictures. I will send you one. I do love seeing nature things and then I am not so irritated with Chelsea. She does wear me out though. As Dick says, when I finish doing chores and sit down to rest, she figures that I am not doing anything so I might as well do something for her.

Anyway. I got some pictures of the turtle. He was not too thrilled with me being there and tried to retreat into his shell at one point. But I snapped a few and then let him go on his way - towards water, I assume.

Now the day is almost done. I need to doctor and wrap Dicks feet and then help him get his thigh highs on and will be finished for the day.

We had meatballs with mashed potatoes and gravy for supper with a lime jello salad that has cucumbers, green onions, cream cheese and mayonese in it. I loved it. Dick was not so thrilled. It will be refreshing for the next hot days.

Try to keep cool and be safe. Think of Leslie, making her very first airplane flight. Alone too. She must love Bill very much.



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