Thursday, June 28, 2007

Started the morning off with a very nice walk with Chelsea. She took a bit of a short cut again. I don't think she thinks of them as short cuts - just a little different way to travel. She is quite the little adventuress you know. It was rather quiet. We only saw one other walker, an older lady with a cane that we see quite often. Nothing like yesterday when it was like rush hour. Lots of singing birds and we saw several rabbits. The rabbits are getting bolder as we come by. I think they realize that we present no danger so they wait until we are just about on top of them before they move into the woods.

When I checked Dick's foot this morning, we found that that troublesome callous was bleeding so I had him call Dr. Sharon and he was able to fit us in just before noon. He changed the antibiotic and made an appointment for Dick to see Dr. Ghandi who is a wound specialist and may be able to help. I was reassured when he said that bleeding is not necessarily a bad thing because at least it means that blood is getting TO the area. Dick seems to feel a bit better tonight already. Maybe it is the new medicine or maybe just because we have a "plan". Relief can be a useful healing tool.

This afternoon, I picked Mother up at about 2:30 and we went to Pete and Verena Bachmann's home for the annual party that they throw for the seniors of Blessed Trinity and other senior groups in Sheboygan Falls. This is the second year that I have gone. I probably wouldn't have gone this year but I ran into Pete and Verena at an Irish Program at the Plymouth Art Center and Verena said that she was expecting me to come. So I told her that I would bring Mother. We had an excellent time. Good company, card games and wonderful food. Pete was giving away basil plants. I have one on the deck but took one to put in the garden in the back at the "bottom" of my yard. The lavender, oregano, lemon balm and thyme are doing well so I have hope for the basil.

Now I am home and listening to the democratic candidates debating. Maybe I can learn something. They are covering a LOT of questions and have a lot of answers. Some are doing the Lil Abner shuffle and some have some pretty good ideas. As far as education, they should listen to the ideas that I have had for years and if we had proper education it would solve MUCH of the AIDs issue.

Obama said that people are not looking for charity. I agree with this on the whole. Most core Americans just want to be part of the solution and have their piece of the pie. As in every society there are the grasshoppers who feel that the world OWES them a piece of the pie without a trade of of time, or talent or effort. But most people just want to receive their due and want their due to be enough to keep them fed and clothed and housed and to be able to raise and educate their children and retire with some comfort and freedom when they have accomplished these things.

Have a great Friday and slide easily into the weekend.



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