Sunday, June 24, 2007

I went out twice today ( not counting Chelsea and my walk). First I went to Mass at 8AM. This morning I was a Eucharistic Minister, which is always satisfying. I still find it amazing that I can be the one giving the bread or wine that are the body and blood of Jesus to my fellow parishioners. I never get over how wonderful that is.

Fr. Van Beeck was really "on" this morning as today was the Feast of St. John the Baptist, our patron saint. He pointed out something in the gospel that I had not noticed before. When St. John the Baptist was born, the NEIGHBORS came over on the 8Th day to do the circumcision and to name him. They assumed his name would be Zacharia after his father and were SHOCKED when Elizabeth said that his name would be John. What the heck is that? The neighbors had that responsibility. Wonder what we would do now, if the neighbors came over after we had a baby to name it and baptize or circumcise it. HMMM?

The rest of the day was spent finishing the quilt. You saw the picture on the blog. (If you did not, look below as I posted it earlier.) I am so pleased. Pleased that it does look nice and pleased that it is done. I feel like the A Team. "I love it when a plan comes together."

Tomorrow, is bible study unless I end up having to take Dick in to the doctor. His leg is no better and is causing him some discomfort. Such a discouraging turn of events. We were so hopeful last week.

Last night was difficult as Dick kept getting up and down and was breathing hard. I told him, that when we get these legs squared away, he has to go back to a sleep clinic to see what else his problem s are besides sleep apnea (which we do have under control. with the sleep machine.) I really need more sleep too.

A Haiku

I wish I could fly
It's quiet above the trees
Once I WAS up there.



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