Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What a day. It was beautiful.

Dick had his massage therapy this morning and then we went grocery shopping. That pretty well took up the morning.

After lunch, I made the soup for tomorrow night and did some other kitchen things. Tomorrow will be even busier so I didn't want to be having to worry about a meal for Suzi and Hazel. The soup is done and just has to be warmed up. I have some corn muffins, dill bread and cheese and crackers to go with it.

Tomorrow, I believe that Dick is going to be fitted for his thigh high stockings. We are going to see if they will help as much as the knee high have for the lower leg.

Received a May newsletter from Fr. Mike Shea updating us on Sarnelli House. They are having a tougher year this year because of two things. 1. a change in government has stopped a lot of funding and 2. the rains are slow in coming which is not helping the rice crops that help feed the 162 residents and staff at the Sarnelli House compound. The numbers are growing constantly. Fr. Mike will be home again in August and is going to say Mass at the Reunion of the Clans at St. Michael's Church in Parnell. This should be a good fundraiser for him. These are all people who know who he is and what he is. He was born and raised at Our Lady of the Angels Church in Armstrong, just over the Fond du Lac line. Mike's Grandmother Mae was my Grandfather John Bowser's sister. These are generous people so I hope it will go well. I need to call Rosemary Mugan tomorrow to see if she can advise me how to get all we need for him to do this and we can plan the mass and music. I am excited.

Here is a description of one of the children at the House of Hope at Sarnelli. "At the House of hope, Josie, who has cerebral palsy, holds her own. She is settign records for herself by not having to go to the hospital. Even some doctors ask anxiously about her, not seeing her come in for treatment. She is a lovely little thing of 5 years old. Some say she is a mindless little vegetable. But I don't believe that, since she hates the timbre of my voice, I am not talking to her for 5 minutes, when she gets irritated and cries."

Fr. Mike is big and can sound loud I am sure.

This reminded me of a friend of mine who made babies cry when she laughed. Beverly made Bart when she laughed for probably the first year of his life. He finally did get used to her. One day when he was about two he walked over to her house as she was getting ready to go somewhere. He asked where she was going and she jokingly said that she was going to hell, did he want to come along. Then she had to chase after him frantically and explain as he ran home screaming at the top of his lungs. "Mom, Can I to go to hell with Beverly."

Have a good Wednesday.

We are looking forward to our company.


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