Monday, June 11, 2007

Today was pretty much for me.

I could hear Chelsea sighing outside the bedroom door at about 5:45 AM so I finally got up because she sounded so pitiful out there. (Dick couldn't hear her. I think it has something to do with having been a mother. We hear things.) We had a lovely walk. It was very comfortable, about 58 degrees and there were no bugs buzzing around my head. We like these kind of mornings. It was pretty quiet, we only saw one other walker during our time in the fresh air.

I had bible study at 9:30AM. Only two of our semi regulars were missing so we had 10 people there. This makes for lively discussions. The readings next Sunday were about faith and the law. Which is the most important. and told two stories. The Old Testament told of David sending Uriah to be killed in battle so that he could marry Bathsheba. Pretty rotten, but David repented so the Lord forgave him, BUT he had to take responsibility and make amends. Then the Gospel spoke of the sinful woman washing the feet of Jesus and the Pharisee kind of offended because Jesus was accepting being touched by a sinful women. This reading does point out quite explicitly that there were women that traveled with Jesus and the disciples and that they contributed in every way to the ministry. We always have opinions that are sometimes in agreement and sometimes a bit a part. We did wonder again, why God gave Israel to the Jewish people when they had to go in there and drive out and kill a whole bunch of peoples to claim it.

After that meeting, I went over to Mom's. She and I visited and had lunch together. Then I went to Sheboygan for Writer's Club and she got ready to be picked up to play canasta with her friends. This is the one that takes forever, because one of the players plays very slowly. Today Helen Murphy, who usually spurs her to make a decision, was not playing so Mother was hoping that either she or the other lady had the gumption to do the spuring.

Writer's Club was fun. We had a lot of reading and discussion. John Textor had us end by each person giving an update of what he or she is working on and what he or she plans for the forseeable future. Hopefully this, like a workshop, will motivate us to do more. I was amused that Sylvia was surprised that everybody doesn't spend at least four hours a day writing. I write each day, but would find it difficult to carve that big a chunk to devote to my writing. She is so good and so dedicated that I can understand her feeling that way.

However, I was a bit surprised today at how rather rude some of our members are. Groups were talking over people who had the floor. It made it difficult to read and for Sue to conduct a meeting. At least twice, we had to just stop and wait for people to stop their conversation. I don't understand our society. During a meeting, people should be listening, not carrying on their own conversations. They sould step outside of the room if it is that important. And when someone is reading a piece, everybody should be listening not carrying on what we used to call sidebars when I was working. How can there be any genuine comments if people are not really listening?

Anyway, it was good to see friends.

Then I went over to my cousin, Brian Ayers, with my jewelry. Peggy was home too so we had a bit of a visit before I had to head home with a stop at St. John the Baptist to pick up Market Day.

I am still writing my haiku every day. Some are not to good but that is all right as it is an exercise and the idea is to keep writing. This one I kind of liked.

Ride up to the clouds
Free from all that burdens you.
Quiet and still up there.

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