Thursday, June 14, 2007

This morning Chelsea and I had company on our walk. Suzi loves to walk and got up so she could go with us on our morning trek around the condo complex and the park. It was beautiful. We only got a few mosquito bites. We had to run through the wooded area to stay ahead of them. We only to a couple of bites each.

I make the omelets that you boil in a bag for breakfast. That is an easy meal for a crowd. We all loved it. We had toast, muffins and scones with them and a lovely visit with Suzi and Hazel. They left at about 9AM for Medford and Theresa and Gary.

Dick and I left at about 11:00 for the Sheboygan Clinic. This is where the day got really goofy. We saw DR. Schlecht, who said that Dick's implants were indeed clouded as Dr. Zeigler had thought. He was able to do the laser treatment necessary to clean them and correct another small problem while we waited. Then things got goofy. Because we had an appointment with Dr. Sharon for a leg inspection at Aurora in Plymouth, he set up an appointment in Plymouth for an hour after the laser procedure to determine if the pressure was OK.

We got there and the technician checked the pressure, but noted that Dick's eye seemed red and irritated and asked Dr. Zweben, who was working in Plymouth that day to check it, after they found him. He seemed resentful stating that he did not have an appointment and didn't know what was going on and frankly did not seem willing to listen to the circumstances. He finally looked at Dick's eye and calmed down some. He agreed that it was irritated and gave us some antibiotics and confirmed the drops that Dr. Schlecht had prescribed.

Then we went up and saw Dr. Sharon. He is very pleased with the improvement in Dick's legs. We are going to proceed with the thigh high stockings, the massage, and the bicycle shorts. We are scheduled for a yearly physical for Dick in mid July. At that time a couple of other small things will be addressed.

After we left the clinic, we picked up Chelsea's heartworm medicine. I had noticed on TV that it is time for the meds to be administered. Apparently Kettle Moraine does not notify its patients like Dr. Zechlinski did. It is a good thing that I happened to see the ad. They prescribe a yearly, once a month, program. It cost $49. That means Chelsea Has to live for another year to use it up. I think that is wonderful. I hope we have her forever, but it also means that I cannot have my kitties. I miss them so. Perhaps someday, someone will say. Here is a present for you and I will have them back in my house. The longer it gets the less likely I will ever have them again.

For our last stop we went to Walgreens to get the prescribed eye drops. There I found that they do not stock the drops prescribed. Walgreens called all the Plymouth Pharmacies and found that NONE of them do. So we called Dr. Zweben and he switched the meds and asked Walgreens to bring the med in as they are going to be using it.

It was after 4 when we got home. We were both very tired. Chelsea was glad we were here and ready to pay some attention to her. Dick took a nap and I caught up on some computer work.

Now it is 8:30PM and I am exhausted. I did get my outdoor plants watered today. A man came and cleaned out all the thistles next to the garage today. We are sure glad that is done as it was an awful mess. I can only do so much. The back and that bed right in front along with the pots on the patio AND I HAVE to get to Hunters Glen are really more than I want to handle. There is so much time being spent on personal health issues that I need about 8 more hours in the day. If I had them, I could sleep then and work the 8 that I sleep now.

Be good to yourself on Friday and throughout the weekend.



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