Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I got to stay home all day today. It is a day with no MAJOR cleaning assigned (You DO know that I schedule these things, don't you.) So it was pleasant.

I DID a lot. There was the watering of the plants, a bit of sewing, sorting out the things that I have committed too do at my meeting with Beth Dipple of the Historical Research Center and the Celtic Women, catching up on emails and phone calls AND cleaning off my desk.

I called Mother this afternoon after I got a call from Dr. Murthy telling me that my heart is just fine. (I was pretty sure of that but when he reminded me that I had been taking premerin for 18 years, he shook my faith in my good genes.) Mom sounded a bit weak. She is looking forward to her visit with Dr. Hancock on Friday. She has lots of questions. She wants to know if this weakness will be temporary.

It started to rain late this afternoon and is supposed to continue for a couple of days. Dick took me out to dinner to Antoinette's downtown. I had veggie lasagna and Dick had spaghetti. Both were really good. We used the coupon that we had gotten in our Welcome Wagon Package. Pretty much used them up now.

To finish the conference. We got up at about 7 and went to another good Irish breakfast at 8:00AM. We were all together again for the last time during this trip. Lots of goodbyes and thank yous and all that. I read my Winter Song poem. They liked it. Then Kate and I rushed off to mass. We got lost going there and then going to the museum afterwards but accomplished both. The museum is absolutely FULL of treasures including great art and artifacts and a wonderful selection of books and gifts. I got two books for Mother and some Hollyhock seeds that have been harvested from right around the museum. I remember hollyhocks from when I was a kid but never had them myself.

We headed home right from the museum, stopping twice, once for lunch and once for a potty break and to buy a lottery ticket. Perhaps Kate and I will be very rich on Wednesday night. Neither of us knew how to fill the darn thing out so it was really quite an adventure.

I put my pictures on the computer and will send one to you tonight.

Have a great Wednesday.



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