Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Another day mainly at home. I slept until 6:30AM. A record. At that point I woke up and heard poor little Chelsea kind of moaning outside the closed door of the bedroom. There had been some rain but it had stopped some time earlier and we had a very nice walk.

I spent the day doing more "stuff" around the house. I did a little work on organizing plantings. We cleaned the back left hand quarter of the garage so that we could get the front storm door stored out there. I replaced it with the screen yesterday. The previous owners had stored it down in the basement but we felt it would be easier for us to get it in and out of the garage. It fits nicely. I need to find an old blanket or throw for some more protection.

Dick had his weekly blood test today. That was uneventful too. I even took a nap this afternoon.

I picked up 1/2 dozen yellow roses in a beautiful brown crockery pot to put out at St. Mary's Cemetery for Courtney on her birthday tomorrow. I wanted them there tonight so they would be there the entire 24 hours of her birthday. Rick, the florist, assured me that the flowers will spend tonight as if they were refrigerated. I also made a Anna Bandanna doll for her out of one of the neckerchief's that I had acquired when we were all in Texas for Shawn's wedding. This was the last time I spent time with Courtney and I thought it would let her know that I remembered that. I got half way home and realized that I had forgotten my camera. Dick and I will get some tomorrow when on our way grocery shopping. I would like to send a picture to George and Betsy.

I found a nice quote but don't know who to attribute it to.

"There isn't enough darkness in all the world to snuff out the light of one little candle."

Go light your candle.


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