Friday, April 27, 2007

Another busy day. Dick and I racked the Marigold Wine this morning and he sanitized a 5 gallon jug so we can filter the Gewertziminer. I believe that when we finish the Gerwertziminer, the Riesling and the White Zin (that is not mixed yet) we will be out of the wine making business except for the small batches that I can do the lifting on. It is just too hard for him to lift the jugs AND to get up and down the stairs. (Though that part is probably good for him. Don't tell him I said that.)

Then I went to Hunters Glen to run the water and check things out. I also left three rocks that Kate picked up on our trip that were part of foundations of churches build by Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli with a prayer and a wish. I will use all methods at my disposal.

Next on to pick up Mother for her doctor visit. She did not have a stroke after all but fainted. There is a long name for the episode that I don't know. He said that all of her vitals are good for her age and that she can do anything she feels up to. He did tell her to keep the walker as she is unsteady when she walks, but aside from that she is quite strong. The weakness is to be expected. She must learn to relax, take her time and, he said, drink more water.

I did join the gals at Dairy Queen for lunch. There were just four of us today. A welcome break.

A bit of shopping and then home. I made some cole slaw and mixed up a pie crust. I want to use the last of last year's rhubarb as the crop is doing really well in the back of the condo. Soon we will have new fresh stuff.

I went to Rhine and shot three targets for league. The first two were pretty bad but the third was quite good. That gives me hope. Perhaps I will settle in again soon. Last league I was doing quite well.

I did some quilting tonight while I watched Ghost Whisperer and sewed a Kindred Spirit Doll body together.

Just going to finish with a quote from Cadfael's Book of Days for April 27 - today. I am so often impressed with Ellis Peters. And Robin Whitman did such a good job pulling them out and setting them up as daily readings.

"Even the pursuit of perfection may be sin, if it infringes the rights and needs of another soul. Better to fail a little, by turning aside to lift up another, than to pass by him in haste to reach our own reward, and leave him to solitude and despair. Better to labour in lameness, in fallibility, but holding up others who falter, than to stride forward alone."

We are supposed to have a beautiful warm weekend. I intend to do some yard work.



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