Thursday, April 26, 2007

Guess what. Dick had a doctor appointment this morning at 8:15. I had the calendar positioned incorrectly, didn't see it and he had to reschedule for mid June. What a bummer. This is an appointment to see if the implants in his eyes can be "polished" as they are getting cloudy. I will have to be sure that I am seeing the WHOLE day when I make my list and plan our outings.

As it was we went to St. Mary Cemetery to take pictures of Courtney's flowers. They are beautiful. It was raining as we drove over there but I asked Courtney, Dad and Aunt Helen to see if they could arrange with the Lord to suspend it long enough for pictures. It seemed reasonable as I saw no reason why George and Betsy shouldn't see them. And of course, it was dry while I was there and the pictures turned out just fine.

Then we had breakfast at Parkview, went to the bank for some cash and on to the Pig in Plymouth to do our grocery shopping. When we got home, I cleaned another quarter of the garage. Basically, I moved everything and swept. In the corner, I found a dead mouse corpse. EEEEWWWWW. It was stuck to the cement so I scraped it up and sprayed with disinfectant and deoderant spray.

This afternoon, I went over to my friend Kate Herman's house and helped her get her submissions ready to send into the Writer's Digest Contest. She used Word but is really a novice as far as using the formatting and editing functions. It is fun to show someone the wonders that can be done with those word processing programs. I have learned much "by guess and by golly" and by building on what I learned with the earlier simpler programs. Having done all those fliers for work and assignments from various classes didn't hurt either. Anyway, we got her all set. She and her husband Ron are restoring one of the old beautiful homes on Collins Street here in Plymouth. It is known as Yankee Hill and was where the"people of importance" years ago built. They are doing a lovely job of restoring. Just doing what they can afford as they go along. She is a professional decorator which does help them find things and meet the right people to do the work.

We had venison stroganoff for dinner tonight. It is really good. Dick is always happy to have something with noodles.

I spent about an hour on the kitty quilt while I watched a good old Stephen King movie Thinner.

It is supposed to rain more tonight and tomorrow and then be nice on the weekend. Good. I plan to do a bit of planting and planning. Can't do too much because there is still danger of frost into May but one does get a bit antsy when April winds down.

Have a good Friday.


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