Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Today it was 4 degrees when Chelsea and I got up. BRRR!. Needless to say we did not walk very far. Later when the temperatures had gotten up into the low 20s we went a bit further but her poor little paw got cold and I had to warm it up once so we could get home again.

We did not have to go anywhere today. I decorated the Christmas tree. It is really beautiful. We have it at the end of the living room in front of a window near the fireplace . It reflects off of everything. So it is doubly pretty and full of light.

I make Lizzies today too. Boy are they good. Now I just have the Scripture Cake to bake before Christmas. I still haven't found figs in Plymouth. Hopefully they will have them at Pick and Save. I need to get to work on Christmas Cards too. Time is a'wastin.

Saturday is the Irish Christmas gathering at Plymouth History Museum. I got an e-mail from Beth Dipple. We have 25 people signed up which is really good as we know it can only increase. We have to limit it to 50 anyway. I want to see if I can recruit a Celtic Women's group. Perhaps just a few ladies (and gentlemen if they want) would like to be a part of the Celtic Women.

Tomorrow, Dick and I will be taking Mother to see Beauty and the Beast presented by the Sheboygan Theatre Company. Beth Hoegger, my choir director friend, saw it and said that the Beast is magnificent. So I am really excited about seeing it.

Someone looked at the Hunters Glen House today and seem to be interested. They had questions about the well. Please keep your prayers going. Maybe this will be an early Christmas present. We must keep the faith. It is a lovely home and should be lived in. I just hope the new owners have as much happiness as we did there.

We will be taking care of Jim and Michelle's little Boots kitty while they are in Washington DC. Michelle has training starting tomorrow and Jim will be joining her for the weekend. He is a really cute little guy. I will have to spend a bit of time with him so he doesn't think he is totally alone. He will miss them.

A little Imponderable for you.

Why, Why, Why???

do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting dead?

Have a nice Wednesday.



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