Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Such a nice day. It was rather warm. The temperatures climbed to 50.7 degrees at the hightest. Now they have dropped down to 31.5 again. Whew. Hope they stay that way. We need cool temps to preserve the venison. Randy will ice it down if he feels that there is any danger of it getting too warm.

I did preparing for Thanksgiving dinner today, mainly chopping and dicing things. Tomorrow I will be doing some serious cooking and baking.

Tonight Dick and I watched the Da Vinci Code. Jim and Michelle came over and made it through the first hour before they got too tired to finish. They will borrow it later for the end. That's what happens when you have to go to work. I remember those days.

We went to the Hub City Restuarant for breakfast. We had gone once before and thought it was pretty good. The ONLY problem then was that they serve way too much food. If you ask for one egg they give two and they have super sizes of potatoes and the meats.

This time, however, we found out that they allow smoking and there were two people smoking in the booth right next to us. It was just sufficating. As we were leaving we talked to the waitress and a customer. They were saying that most people say their food is good even if they don't like it. People don't want to make a fuss. I agreed with them and I told them that I had liked the food very much but found the smoke very bad. I am araid that we will not go back now, because it is iffy as to whether we can breath or not in there.

Guess that is all for now.


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