Sunday, November 19, 2006

Here is the picture I promised. From left to right kneeling:

Cory Carpenter, with his nubby buck, Lee Carpenter, my brother Randy with the BIG BUCK, and Randy's Jessica holding up my brother Jeff's doe.

Standing in back:

Shane Deeley, Jeff's son and yours truly.

Quite a shot. Jeff took the picture so he is in others.

We will have LOTS of meat to butcher on Friday.

Today was a beautiful day weatherwise. It was still and the sun shone. I went to the 8:00AM mass and then spent the rest of the day putting hunting stuff away and cleaning up my desh and the house.

We had the chili that I had left out for Dick's Saturday dinner for supper. (He found something else that appealed to him before he found the chili yesterday.)

I watched the Extreme Makeover tonight. We don't usually but they featured the Koepke family from Dundee tonight and I was anxious to see it. Next time we are near Dundee we can drive by the house and then go see the restored Mill. The Makeover fixed that too because it was Matt Koepke's dream and they like to benefit communitee's as well as individuals. Matt Koepke always would say this to his family and I felt that it is worth repeating. They put it on a memorial in Dundee also. "There are lots of things to think about the but nothing to worry about."

Have a good week.

Mary Posted by Picasa

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