Monday, October 02, 2006

What an awful storm that we had last night. It got really bad sometime after midnight with horrendous thunder, lightening, torrential rain and even some hail. Chelsea was terrified and ran and paced and panted for hours. I got back to sleep several times only to be woken up by either the noise OR LEG CRAMPS! Then my stomach started hurting on top of everything. Needless to say, I woke up more tired than when I hit the pillow.

Had Bible Study this morning and turned over the information on what I have been doing for Celtic Faire to Lynn, the church business manager, to bring to the Celtic Faire wrap up meeting which was tonight at 6:30.

I couldn't go to that, because I also had the Rhine Plymouth meeting tonight and really needed to be there. We were discussing the proposed revised constitution and nominations for officers. Bobbie has generously offered to be secretary next year for the one year term that will be a fill in to getting the officers and board on alternating two year terms. The meeting went quite well and quite quickly. A storm was again raging on the way out there. I really had trouble seeing the road and was almost sorry that I had started out at all. It had passed by the time the meeting was over.

Tomorrow will be a bit quieter. We want to hang the clock in the living room.

Love. Mary

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