Friday, June 23, 2006

This will be a very short Blog. Just enough to let you know that I am still alive and kicking.

Went to lunch in Plymouth today. I was the only one there. I realized that I should call someone with my new number. They ALWAYS call if everyone is busy, but I had forgotten to tell anyone that we did the big number change. Oh well, I grabbed a chili dog and did my other errands and got home just after Jim and Michelle arrived.

The filthy kitchen got cleaned today too. Boy - had that Chelsea slobbered all over the floor. She is NO Zero. He actually kept the kitchen floor clean.

Jim, Michelle, Dick and I went to the Villager for a fish fry. They have an excellent one and Michelle and I shared an appetizer of crab/salmon cakes with a corn salsa. It tasted really good.

We played a game of hearts followed by a game of rummy. Dick won the hearts and I won the rummy. Yea for the old people.

"The FDA approved a Prozac-type drug for dogs who are depressed. This is good, because it's hard for dogs to get therapy, since they're never allowed on the couch." Colin Quinn on Saturday Night Live.

Have a marvelous weekend.


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