Sunday, June 25, 2006

Church this morning. I really like our bible study now. As I said, we study the readings from the upcoming Sunday. It is so much more meaningful when we hear them and Fr. Gene usually gives even more insight. The Old Testament reading was from Job. He sure had a rough time but his trust in God is the whole story.

I fixed blueberry scones for breakfast this morning. Also Irish sausages and bacon and eggs. I am afraid that I am the most enthused about the Irish sausages but they were almost all gone anyway. They are an acquired taste for the American pallate, especially for those of us in the Midwest who grew up on spicy sausages like bratwurst and who are used to the grind that we have which is totally different than the European sausages.

I finished another square on the church quilt today. We are now half done. Should be able to finish by the end of July easily. I have to remember to leave it at St. Francis Chapel tomorrow for the group quilt. I don't imagine we will be meeting next week as it will be July 3. I want to spend this week working on the banner for Celtic Faire.

We finished the last of the meatloaf for supper. We had Michelle's dessert too. Jim and Michell left us WAY too much of that. However, we see them tomorrow, as we are going to look at a couple of condos that are on the market and I will share what is left with them. It is SO good, but we will have to finish it in the next couple days or it will be too old.

As I said, tomorrow we are going to look at some condos so we will be able to determine what is out there. A couple that are currently listed, look quite good.

a picture of something

A picture of the evening sky on my way home from Sheboygan Falls last week. We get Such colors with all the moisture in the air when the sun reflects off the clouds.



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